Monday, March 24, 2025
Brock's Only Independent Student Newspaper
One of the only worker-managed newspapers in Canada

Niagara Region's Only Independent Student Newspaper

The Brock Press is proud to be the only independent newspaper for covering all things Brock and run exclusively by Brock students. Founded in 1964, this newspaper has committed itself to covering campus events and news while also keeping a keen eye on world events and issues that demand the attention of students as informed people bound to shape the future.

One of Canada's Rare Worker-Cooperative Newspapers

As of 2023, The Brock Press is one of the few worker-cooperative newspapers in Canada, meaning our team of editors, administrators, and general staff have direct forms of ownership and policy regulation within the corporation. Our team feels that a worker-managed form of operation gives the Paper a unique ability to articulate the evermore universal concerns born of neoliberalism that impact the university as much as traditional firms. We feel that this ethos of workplace democracy gives us an advantage in providing unbiased coverage of events, news and people that appeals to the needs and interests of the majority of people in society today.

Niagara Region's Only Independent Student Newspaper

The Brock Press is proud to be the only independent newspaper for covering all things Brock and run exclusively by Brock students. Founded in 1964, this newspaper has committed itself to covering campus events and news while also keeping a keen eye on world events and issues that demand the attention of students as informed people bound to shape the future.