Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Brock's Only Independent Student Newspaper
One of the only worker-managed newspapers in Canada

Haytham Nawaz

Haytham Nawaz is the current editor-in-chief at The Brock Press. He has been an editor in the organization for 3 years. Sitting as the current Chair of the organization's board, Nawaz was a lead architect behind the shift of The Brock Press' administrative structure to a worker-cooperative model wherein every employee in the organization is given a share which allows them to more directly influence the direction of the company and its internal policies and practices. This change reflected a set of values Nawaz holds deep and which he expresses in other avenues of his professional life including in his academic career where he has published work on philosophy, politics and language. Nawaz is a fourth-year English major at Brock University where he plans to do his post-graduate work using a Marxist lens to study the psychodynamics of worker-cooperative political-economy. Outside work, Nawaz enjoys reading, debating politics, classic cinema and engaging in forms of activism.