Friday, March 28, 2025
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October Horror Cinema: “Late Night with the Devil” 



The latest in found footage horror offers fresh ideas for the genre, but unfortunately, not all of them stick. 

In 1970s America, Jack Delroy has become a staple in late night entertainment. He’s a savvy hustler with his eyes on the prize, using his charisma and under-the-table help from an enigmatic group called “The Grove” — a reference to the Bohemian Grove — to aid his success. Despite his popularity and acclaim, Jack never quite reaches number one in network ratings, always a step or two behind his peers. His upward trajectory is sharply cut off by the sudden death of his wife and muse, Madeline. Shaken, he vanishes from the spotlight.  

On one fateful Halloween night in 1977, Jack attempts to revive his career one last time by inviting a guest on the show who claims to be possessed by the devil. The guest in question, known as Lilly, is the sole survivor of a Satanic cult. Desperate to step back into the spotlight, Jack decides to attempt communication with the entity inside of Lilly, a decision with fatal consequences. 

Late Night with the Devil nails its aesthetic perfectly, capturing the gritty realism of found footage horror. The cameras are used to replicate a live television broadcast, with cutaways for commercial breaks and headlines popping up. 

There’s no shying away from campiness in the film either. The practical effects aren’t exactly realistic but work within the film’s ode to satanic panic horror in the ‘80s. Certain visual effects are very obviously edited in but are welcomed as tributes to horror of days past. One downside to this is that the very obviously fake effects take away from the horror aspects of the film, coming off as a bit goofy to those who aren’t strapped in for the ride. 

Dastmalchian is the film’s standout, most noteworthy performance. His acting radiates enthusiasm; his charisma is unavoidable and endearing. It’s clear he has a passion for the genre and would serve great in future horror roles. 

Regardless, all the excitement and ‘70s aesthetic bliss cannot make up for a few prominent roadblocks the plot comes across. 

Once the found footage gags begin to wear off, the film begins to feel formulaic and predictable. It meanders throughout its 90 minutes and sets itself up for a single, predictable conclusion. The horror plateaus in the third act with a lack of creativity behind its scares, its final minutes feeling anticlimactic.  

The film will likely work for diehard fans of the horror genre, but it lacks the force to fully stick the landing for people who aren’t fully invested. The conclusion you’re presented with is exactly what you would expect; when twists happen it’s never a surprise but feels like a consequential series of events. The ending leaves little room or interest in questions, as if the film itself is shrugging back at you as the credits roll. 

These gripes aside, Late Night with the Devil seamlessly disguises itself as a television broadcast in the vibrant ‘70s mystique. It’s an excellent premise with a middling execution that couldn’t be more fit for Halloween viewing. Although some of its ideas quickly grow stale, it’s enjoyable for what it does succeed at and leaves some room for new ideas in found footage horror. 

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