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Black Friday 2022 deals and discounts

On Friday, Nov. 25, shoppers across the globe will be racing to fill their physical and online shopping carts to take advantage of Black Friday deals.

Black Friday is an annual event that follows American Thanksgiving. Many stores place major discounts or deals on sought-out items to entice shoppers to open their wallets in preparation for the holiday season. The term “Black Friday” dates back to the 1960s; it was the name police officers in Philadelphia gave to the chaos that ensued when hordes of tourists came into the city to begin their holiday shopping.

Black Friday discounts typically have the greatest effect on highly-desired holiday gifts. Toys, electronics, appliances and furniture are a mere handful of things that shoppers can expect to see major deals on this time of year.

Many stores have started their Black Friday deals prior to Nov. 25 to allow buyers a head-start on their shopping. Take a look below for some of the best places to get an early start to your holiday shopping this year!

Walmart Canada

Walmart is offering up to 50 per cent discounts on certain items for Black Friday. They are encouraging customers to hop on their website to make purchases before their event starts slowing down on Nov. 27. Walmart is offering deals both online and in-store to maximize shopper convenience. They promise more rounds of deals will be added to their website on Nov. 16 and Nov. 24 at 9 p.m. For any concerned buyers, Walmart’s deals include an extended holiday return policy, and the company promises to refund the difference on any purchases made during the event should the item’s price go any lower.

Best Buy

The tech-based giant promises hundreds of deals during its Black Friday Month event. Shoppers who visit Best Buy’s website can expect deals on 18 unique product categories, from computers and phones to fitness devices and vacuums. Best Buy is offering up to $1,000 discounts on select TVs, up to 50 per cent discounts on select headphones and up to 40 per cent discounts on select kitchen appliances, amongst many other offers. Like Walmart, Best Buy is offering a Black Friday Price Guarantee to assure buyers they will be paying the lowest price possible for any of their purchases.

The Source

The Source’s website features a series of deals in the hopes of bringing in shoppers. Many of these deals include both in-person and online stock; availability for each individual item can be found on the respective product’s page. The Source also helps shoppers with webpages aimed at specific price points, with pages for gifts under $25, gifts under $100, gifts under $200 and a page devoted to “The Big Gift” (more expensive gifts meant to be particularly special). The Source is encouraging potential buyers to visit their website often throughout November as they will be presenting new offers until their Black Friday event eventually draws to a close.

The Bay

Technology isn’t all that’s going on sale this month! Shoppers looking for clothing may be interested in checking out The Bay either in-person or online, with deals up to 60 per cent off for Black Friday. The Bay promises discounts on hundreds of brands, and has created an initiative in which the first 200 customers in line at stores on Nov. 25 at 8 a.m. will receive a $20 gift card to use on any Black Friday purchase.


For those who are hoping to do some shopping online this year, look no further than Amazon. Amazon is already offering Early Black Friday deals on at least 21 categories of products, including groceries. Visitors to Amazon’s Black Friday website will quickly notice the amount of red tags attached to different products’ overviews, each indicating some sort of deal or discount. People who take advantage of Amazon’s Black Friday deals can expect to find discounts on just about any type of product.

Of course, this is only a few of the stores that are offering Black Friday deals this month. Most major retailers will be providing shoppers with something to look forward to, so keep an eye on your favourite stores to see what discounts might be offered.

For more stores and products offering Canadian Black Friday 2022 deals, visit the link here.

Christian Roethling
Christian Roethling
Christian Roethling has been an editor for The Brock Press since 2022. He initially covered News before stepping into the role of Managing Editor in his second year at the publication.

Christian is a lifelong performer who has enjoyed acting in several theatrical productions throughout his childhood and adolescence. In 2021, he transferred from York University into Brock University’s concurrent education program, where he hopes to eventually become a drama teacher. Throughout his entire school career, he has held a passion for writing and editing.

When Christian is not writing for The Brock Press, he can usually be found playing Nintendo games or creating satirical music projects.

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