Friday, March 28, 2025
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The Brock University Moving Image Society creates new beginnings for film and TV lovers on campus 


The cameras are rolling on this new club. 

Set to be officially registered in March, the Brock University Moving Image Society (BUMIS) seeks to unite students with the common interest of moving images, which refers to film, television and various forms of visual media. 

The club was founded by third year film students Matilde Forti and Ethan Geenen, who both share a passion for film and media as well as a personal connection to the idea of BUMIS. The club’s open-ended name represents the goal of connecting students with various interests across majors. 

Forti, who previously attended Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, noted the impact the student-led film society had on her during her time there: 

“I loved connecting and making films with other students, it allowed me to learn and nurture my passions while simultaneously form bonds that I will cherish forever. I knew that I wanted to provide others with the same opportunity. This is what I truly hope BUMIS will represent for Brock students.” 

Geenen noted the role quarantine and online schooling had on Brock’s social life and clubs: “I noticed a distinct lack of opportunities for students to commune and share their passions outside of the classroom space.” 

BUMIS is not to be confused with the already existing Brock University Film Society (BUFS), which is operated by the Department of Communication, Pop Culture and Film and the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre Film House. For 40 years, BUFS has served as a foundation for cinephiles in the St. Catharines area.  

“With BUMIS, we are hoping to take a step further: we want students to have a space where they can make films, write about them, discuss and network with others who share the same passions as they do,” said Forti.  

BUMIS will seek to provide a range of opportunities for students to be proactive while engaging with film and media. Screenings will be included, but are not the only events Forti and Geenen have planned: 

“We’ve discussed publishing a semi-regular newsletter, composed entirely of student writing, as well as outings to nearby film festivals, such as HotDocs in April or TIFF in September,” said Geenen. 

Forti and Geenen are currently working to arrange BUMIS’ assistance in the 21st annual 72-hour student film festival in March, where students work to create the best film within the allotted 72 hours. 

Forti and Geenen extend their thanks to the entire film department’s support in the formation of BUMIS: 

“We chatted with most of our professors about the project, and every single one of them showed enthusiasm and offered some great advice. Dr. Anthony Kinik in particular has been incredibly helpful in looking for possible venues for our meetings.” 

With the academic year entering its tail end, BUMIS may only find time for a few planned events. However, Forti and Geenen are hoping to use this time to lay a strong foundation for next year. Between the diversity of subjects covered and the events being planned, the Brock University Moving Image Society is one of the most exciting clubs to emerge this school year with an exciting future ahead. 

Students curious to get in touch with or join BUMIS before the club’s official registration can contact @brockumovingimagesociety on Instagram to be added to a group chat. 

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